Sunday, January 27, 2013

A Good Man Is Hard To Find

First off, I am not a big reader or writer. English has always been a harder subject for me since I hate both of these things. I have been reading each of the short stories in the book and have found almost all them to be pretty interesting. I was surprised because most stories you read at school are pretty boring.

I just finished reading A Good Man Is Hard to Find. I am sorry but this is no "short" story. At least not when compared to the other stories I have read so far in this book. Overall it was an interesting story, just not my favorite. The grandmother character is kind of annoying with her nagging ways and "back in the day" remarks. Although, grandmother was thoughtful enough to grab the kitty before they left so he would not die if they left it alone. Also, why do the characters have such off the wall and strange names? For instance, June Star or Edgar Atkins Teagarden. I mean, Teagarden is strange enough, but once you realize his initials are E.A.T. You're probably like, "what in the world?". 

Overall, it was an okay story. I am just not very good at writing my opinions down for everyone to read

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that this was not a "short" story. I would have liked it a lot more if some of the middle had been cut out. It was a good story with a very surprising ending, but the middle seemed to drag on............and on.
